Thursday, January 23, 2014

Two Years

We have been slacking off on our blog posts! We have been doing a lot on our Facebook page though. Maintaining all of the media sites is time consuming stuff!

It occurred to me that January marks our blog anniversary. We started Sexy Mother Runner blog TWO years ago. A lot has happened in those two years. I finally made some headway with my health and fitness and I'm so thankful for that. We've ran a lot of races, had a lot of laughs, shared a lot of encouragement. We've met so many wonderful people along the way!

My life has been forever changed in some ways. All because I finally had the confidence and drive to make it happen. All because I was surrounded by positive friends who encouraged me. I'm incredibly thankful for everything that two years can do.

If you are just starting your journey or have been on it for a while now, I hope that you find encouragement when you need it. I hope you surround yourself with positive people who will cheer your success and lift you up to your goals.

I hope that we are a part of your journey and that we help you get where you want to go. In two years, where do you want to be? It slips by quick, fill it up with lots of awesome.

Peace, Love, Happiness!