Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day #2 of the 'Sexy Mother Runner 30 Day Fitness Challenge'!

Good Morning!

It is Day #2 of the "SMR 30 Day Fitness Challenge' and I couldn't feel better! Mostly that is because of all of you who have chosen to participate. Yesterday, we had close to 90 participants and that just makes me smile! Thank you.

This challenge has motivated me to add a few necessary things to my current exercise regimen. During the past month I have been dealing with a pinched nerve (or so we think that is what it is) in my upper back. The pain will come and go depending on the day. Last week it reoccurred so badly that it was time to do something about it. I went for a Deep Tissue Massage. The therapist stated that my scapulas were attached to my lungs. This is mostly from not stretching enough and improper posture. My shoulders were rolling forward causing that muscle to shrink. This is not a surprise to me. My day mostly is spent working at a computer or running. I had used Biofreeze on it and that would give me temporary relief, but I know what I needed to do was add more stretching into my current exercise regimen. After a painful deep tissue massage, foam rolling, yoga, and Biofreeze I am starting to feel like a healthy human being again! Now I have added foam rolling and yoga to my exercise routine!

The 'SMR 30 Day Fitness Challenge' was just the motivation I needed to keep this train moving in the right direction. It is amazing how once you start feeling better you forget to keep doing what made you feel that way. I am going to do my best to prevent that from happening. Yesterday I did 20 minutes of Yoga with Rodney Yee. I love his Ultimate Power Yoga video! He has five 20 minute sessions on his DVD. I did the first one. (No, I am not paid by Rodney Yee to say this, lol!) My kids even joined in. It was very relaxing and I was capable of doing it. Have you ever tried a new exercise and you look like two pigs fighting under a blanket?! Yeah, I am not a big fan of that. Someday I will tell you my Zumba story...Oh I digress.

My next goal during the 'SMR 30 Day Fitness Challenge' was to give a shot at being a vegetarian for 30 days. This was prompted by two people. First, my 6 year old daughter who is the biggest animal rights activist I know. She has been a full fledged vegetarian since January. My daughter's will inspires me so much! There are days when she looks at a piece of chicken, smells it, states it smells so good, but in the next breath states she is not eating it as it hurt that animal to be killed. Love her! The second person was '30 Something Mother Runner'. She completed this challenge and inspired me to give it a try! I survived Day #1 of my Vegetarian Challenge with no hiccups!

Today I am feeling extra energetic, therefore I am going to do a '100' Challenge. Today I will do 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, and 100 burpees! Followed by foam rolling and yoga! Tonight I will be running 4 miles with my Building Steam Group, "Steppin' Eleven"!

So, who's with me?!
Do you want to do my '100' Challenge today?

How's Day #2 of the '30 Day Fitness Challenge'
going for you?



Remember it is not too late to join us in our
All you need to do it get movin' and tell us about it!

Want to contact the Sexy Mother Runners? You can email us at
We would love to hear from you!
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!


  1. I like the 100 idea. Did my 4.25 mi run today:) always up for more!!

  2. 11 miles, run and done! Can't wait for my sprint tri and half marathon coming up!!

  3. I did 30 min on stationary bike and 30 min on seated elliptical! Yeah! I feel sorry for my next client as I had no time for a shower! Sorry client! She's a runner so she will understand! Lol!

  4. Day 2: 15 min x trainer, 15 mins strength abs work!

  5. My post from my phone didn't post my workout yesterday. Day 1 was brazilian butt lift bum bum (35min) and tummy tuck (20min). Day 2 brazilian butt lift cardio axe (30min), high & tight (35min), c25k week5 day1 (31min), and walk/jog with the Sole Sisters.

  6. Ran/Walked with Sole Sisters, practiced my butt strengthening exercises that the doc gave me to do (to help with my sore knee). Hey maybe I need that brazilian for my knee.

  7. Zumba 30 mins treadmill 30 mins and 100 reps of burpees sit ups and push ups :)

  8. Day 2- Ran 3.15miles-41.31mins

  9. Wow! I am so impressed with all of you! Way to go! ~Danyelle

  10. 35 minutes of Bootcamp Express class before work!

  11. Day 3- 20 min 30 day shred workout & 1 mile run :)

  12. Day 3-35 min hill treadmill work out with 5min stretching after!

  13. May the 4th be with you, Was not with me! so I did nothing..

  14. Day 5 - 2 mile run 25.53 followed by a 5 min walk.

    1. You have been rocking this challenge! One day off is no big. :)

  15. Day 6 4 mile run, when I say run this time, I mean I pretty much ran the whole time, YES! :)

  16. forgot to post yesterday....3.50 run!

  17. 30-45 min chasing my toddler around outside aka rest day.
