On Friday, I had a great workout day of running, biking, and
swimming. I knew that the three day weekend was approaching and I needed to get
it in before the weekend started.

On Friday I was feeling a little sad, because I knew that I
could not make it to Bekah’s first half-marathon. I wanted to be there so
badly, but the stars were not aligning. Her half was 8 hours away and all
hotels were sold out in
Traverse City.
The hotels that I did find were 45 minutes away and $200 per night. None of
them were pet friendly and with our work schedules that meant we wouldn’t get in until 2:30 a.m. with a 6 and 2 year old. Plus, we would need to be
back up driving by 6:00 a.m. As you can see, it just wasn’t going to happen. In
my heart I know that my friend knew I was there in spirit the whole time, but I had
grandeur dreams of running a few miles of it with her. I am just so proud of her and wanted to celebrate her moment. Sometimes no matter what plans need to
be adjusted and you must accept the change.
J I knew that Bekah
understood and that we would keep in contact throughout the weekend. We would
text and I could live through her vicariously with technology. Thank goodness
for cell phones!
Brinklee loves the Sheraton! |
It was time to make the most of our weekend. On to Plan B.
Like many busy families there are times when I look around
in all of the hustle and bustle and think, did I actually look at anyone today?
Sometimes we are so busy in the tasks that we forget to gaze into each other's
eyes, laugh and have fun in the moment. It was time for all of that to happen.

Saturday we made an executive decision that even though Plan
A did not work we needed to start Plan B and go have fun! We hopped into the
car and headed to St. Louis to take the kids to Six Flags. We rode roller
coasters, swam, laughed, and swallowed everything that had a minimum of 1000
calories or greater. Brinklee enjoyed
her plush bed at the Sheraton. It was wonderful! As I watched my husband chase
our kids all over the playground I fell in love with him all over again.
Vacation is nice. I gazed into my brown eyed girl’s eyes wondering where 6 ½
years has gone. I relished in the moment. I watched my dare-devil son in
amazement as he is not the scared little boy that would not get on a ride last
year. Where does time go? The answer is quickly. Constantly, I am told by older
adults randomly in a store “enjoy it, it goes fast”. I know they are right. I
also wonder if there is something else that I need to be grasping or absorbing
from their words? Time will tell.
The twins...father and son :)
All tuckered out from our adventures! |
As the weekend progressed we received many race updates from
Bekah (which she rocked her half! J) and visited more
drive-thrus than necessary. Even my daughter said, what if someone sees us? We
have our Sexy Mother Runner magnet on our car and fast food is not Sexy. I
could not help but laugh! I told her every once in awhile you just need to
live in the moment my dear!
On our drive home a text came in from my friend Mary: “Run
in the morning?” Of course my answer was “Yes!” Three days off and time with
Mary…what’s to think about?! Upon arrival home everyone started craving fruit
and it was time to break out the bananas. Three days off and now back at it!
This morning started with a beautiful breezy run with my friend Mary. This little butterfly was on our path just chilling out. Just another reminder to stop and enjoy the moment!
I hope you had a blessed, enjoyable Memorial Day weekend!
Have you had a moment when you were reminded
to stop and smell the flowers?
Day 29- 45 min walk/run with hubby!
ReplyDeleteMy kids are 12 and 16 and my oldest started her first job today, I say this with a tear in my eye! They are such awesome kids and I just don't want them to grow up any faster! One thing I wish I would have done better was when they wanted to talk and I was "busy" I wish I would have dropped everything and just listen better! Now when I want to talk they are "busy", oh how the roles reverse! To me that would have been stopping and smelling the roses!
Day 30- 40 min yoga